The True Ninja Story Shin Ninja Monogatari Time to go find who the REAL ninja were!

Back before the Internet or telephones, it was difficult to relay information to people far away. So how did ninja secretly communicate important information to their allies? Here we take a look at a few communication tools they might use.Have you ever seen ninja using the fingers on both their hands to make different signs? These were called "seals," and the most famous style was called the "Kuji-goshinbo," or "Nine Seal Self Defense." Each seal was meant to indicate a different god or buddha. Chanting each seal as it was formed was said to help relax the performer and focus their concentration.*The reading and formation chart below is just one representation.MountainForestMountainMoonBy setting fire to straw or dried wolf dung, ninja could use smoke to signal those far away. Some smoke signals were shot into the air, while others used colored smoke.By using arrangements of 5 different colors of rice, ninja could communicate in code. By establishing rules, they could even use colored rocks to communicate information without alerting anyone else.In order to ensure that written communication couldn't be stolen and read, ninja would use a special cipher when communicating with each other.Ninja often used passwords, special phrases, and other secret language to communicate. There were no set rules, and often words were determined on the spot.By creating passwords, they could tell right away if an enemy snuck in!3Historical Fragments of Ninja We Can Find TodayTejikara-jinja Shrine in Iga, Mie Prefecture, holds an annual fireworks festival and ritual offering in October. This tradition began when Fujibayashi Nagatonokami, part of a famous Iga ninja clan who was an expert in fireworks, smoke signals, and other fire techniques, made an offering of fireworks at the shrine.ByoKaiZaiJinZenToOKNGDo you know the Nine HandSeals?RinShaRetsuSecret Forms of Communication<5-colored Rice & Stones>

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