The True Ninja Story Shin Ninja Monogatari Time to go find who the REAL ninja were!

HISSSBOOM4DD''......aawwwwGot it! You're going to likewhat you see!All right... I'm in!Once you're inside, put up a red smoke signalif the enemy attacks!Wait, why...?……In ordinary times, ninja lived peacefully in their villages, growing rice and vegetables and making sandals and other daily-use items. They even made weapons themselves. Ninja who worked as street performers, craftspeople, or as peddlers of medicine were welcomed in many areas, which allowed them to easily infiltrate castles and estates, collecting information as they carried out their work.Ninja had a deep understanding of medicine and would gather medicinal herbs out in the wild or grow them in the village. They would make medicine to drink or The Edo period brought a time of peace, and saw a reduced need for the services of ninja. In order to pass down their ways to future generations and ensure the ninjutsu they mastered weren't forgotten, ninja drafted numerous manuals. However, as ninjutsu was originally passed down through oral tradition, reading these manuals alone does not help one learn all there is to know. To this day much remains wrapped in mystery.apply from these herbs, as well as anesthetic, sleep potion, and a variety of poisons. You might say that the fact Iga and Koka are famous manufacturers of medicine today is a holdover from the time of the ninja. Many tend to focus on the physical prowess of ninja, but only the smartest could master the craft. Ninja studied medical science, pharmaceutics, psychology, astronomy and more. They also needed to have excellent communication and memorization skills. Today we would consider them among the elite of the elite.Let 'emknow!Sign of Attack...?Becoming a ninjatook brains?!How did ninja pass onNinjutsuNinja Made ■eir OwnMedicine & Poison?!Ordinary Life for Ninja

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